Need Help Paying for Childcare?
There are resources for you and your family.
BCCAP Programs
Child Care Resources & Referral (CCR&R) The BCAP Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) program has the most up-to-date listing to provide to our customers. Every year new providers contact our Agency to be included in our database and the referral listings that we give to our customers. BCAP provides between three to five provider referrals to customers per referral call. The CCR&R specialist collects the customers’ paperwork and information to be placed into BCAP’s active database, visits the site, and discusses the program that is being offered and how BCAP can assist them. In addition to the initial visit for providers that are located within Burlington County, BCAP provides ongoing technical assistance and consultation to out-of-county providers.
To get your Child Care Referral today call (609) 267-7674 or (888) 554-2077 or make an appointment today .
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm.
There is no cost for this service.
New Jersey Cares For Kids (NJCK)The New Jersey Cares for Kids (NJCK) Program is a subsidized child care program administered by the Department of Family Development and the Burlington Community Action Partnership, Inc. (BCAP). NJCK provides partial payment to child care providers on behalf of the applicants. Applicants are required to pay a co-payment based on their family size and income.
Work First New Jersey Voucher Program (WFNJ)The Work First New Jersey Child Care Subsidy Program is a State and Federally funded program administered by the Department of Family Development and the Burlington Community Action Partnership, Inc. (BCAP). The program subsidizes the cost of child care for customers who have been deemed eligible for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) through the Board Of Social Services and need child care assistance to attain family sustainability. As a first step, interested applicants must contact the Board of Social Services at 609-261-1000. . For more information about the WFNJ Program please contact Ruth Ragin at 609-261-6834, ext. 5130 or email
Do I qualify?
Applicant(s)/Parents Eligibility Requirements
Must be a New Jersey resident;
Must meet income requirements and not have assets that exceed $1 million; and or have a full-time equivalent combination of these activities to meet the requirement.
Must be working full time (30 hours or more a week), attending school full time (12 credits or more), in job training (at least 20 hours a week),
Child Eligibility Requirements
Up to the age of 13, or less than age 19, if mentally or physically incapable of self-care or under protective supervision by the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P);
Must be a US Citizen or qualified non-citizen; and
Must reside with parent(s), or individual(s) acting as parent(s) (in loco parentis).
How do I apply?
As a parent/applicant seeking child care assistance, you will be required to provide proof of income, school/training hours and household size to help determine eligibility. All required documents must be submitted to be considered for assistance.
To get started, you must first complete, sign and submit an application with the required documents to the Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency in your county. The application is available here in English or Spanish .
The CCR&R will review your application within 10 business days of receiving it and determine if you are eligible within 30 calendar days. You will then receive a letter from the CCR&R telling you if you are eligible, not eligible or if additional information is needed.
Assistance for Homeless Families
Experiencing homelessness and needing child care services is a challenge. We make it easier for you to receive help paying for child care even if you don’t have all of the required documents. If you lack a fixed and adequate nighttime residence, you would meet the definition of homeless.
Specifically that means living in:
Shared housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
Motels, hotels, or campgrounds because you don’t have alternative accommodations;
Emergency or transitional shelters;
Locations not designed or intended for human sleeping, such as park benches; or
Cars, parks, public spaces, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings.
If you are facing one of these situations and are unable to provide the necessary documents with your application, you may have up to six months to submit the required paperwork. During this time, your family can start receiving child care assistance. Contact your CCR&R for help or you can call the Child Care Helpline at 1-800-332-9227.